The government’s decision to urge companies to secure employment opportunities for their workers up to the age of 70 aims to make up for Japan’s tightening manpower shortage and help ease the pressure on the social security system.
If you smoke or drink heavily, if you are sedentary, or if your diet is lacking in calcium and vitamin D, your risk of osteoporosis will be higher,
Prednisone and other corticosteroids. “These are often prescribed for people with asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or other conditions because they fight inflammation. But taking them for a long period of time increases your risk for bone loss,”
Anti-seizure medicines. People with epilepsy may be at higher risk because commonly used anti-seizure medicines have been shown to alter the way vitamin D is used in the body, affecting bone strength. Also, a seizure itself can result in a fall or other accident that could cause a fracture.
Low levels of testosterone and estrogen. “Anything that lowers estrogen (in females) or testosterone (in males) has an effect on the bones. This can result from taking strong pain medications for a long time, cancer treatment, surgery or trauma to the testes in men or ovaries in women, high levels of athletic activity, or genetic factors like early menopause in women.
Malabsorption (when the body can’t absorb enough nutrients from food). This could result from gastric bypass surgery or some digestive disorders like celiac and Crohn’s disease. Conditions like these affect how your body absorbs nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D, which are vital to bone health.
Conditions like diabetes, untreated hyper- thyroidism, excessive levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and kidney or liver disease can affect levels of nutrients and vitamin D, and either increase bone loss or decrease bone formation.
You don’t need to be an older woman to get osteoporosis | News, Sports, Jobs - The Journal
when mitochondrial function is affected, it not only affects energy production but also triggers a type of stress signaling that induces the overproduction of osteoclasts,
Some of the environmental factors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and certain medications, that can impair the function of mitochondria, also appear to raise the risk of osteoporosis.
Combining turmeric with soy lecithin is thought to prevent it from being destroyed by the stomach, so it reaches the small intestine where it is absorbed.
Bone mineral density is maintained through an appropriate balance of bone-building cells, known as osteoclasts, which 'mop up' ageing cells that need replacing.
In older people, osteoclast activity may outweigh the rate of bone replacement.
Previous studies have identified curcumin has bone-building properties in animal models.
Turmeric helps improve bone density by up to 7% | Daily Mail Online