10 ธ.ค. 2020 เวลา 12:26 • วิทยาศาสตร์ & เทคโนโลยี
Pan Jianwei explained in detail:To achieve”quantum hegemony”, when will China’s”nine chapters” come to the top?
Following Google’s announcement of “quantum dominance” in October last year, today, China announced the achievement of the “quantum computing superiority” milestone in the world, with 76 photons that do not depend on the number of samples. Posture, boarded the”Science” magazine.
76 photons, 10 billion times faster than Google’s”Plananus” and one trillion times faster than the strongest supercomputer-does the birth of the”Nine Chapters” quantum computing prototype mean my country has won the”quantum hegemony”? Is mankind about to enter the era of quantum computing? What can we do with it?
In the birthplace of the”Nine Chapters”-Hefei National Research Center for Microscale Material Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences academicians Pan Jianwei and Professor Lu Chaoyang accepted an exclusive interview with our reporter as the corresponding authors of the paper .
How fast are 76 photons? What can you do?
“Independent research and development” has become the key to succeeding
The “nine chapters” of 76 photons and 100 modes, what is the computing power? How strong? Let’s first look at a set of data:run at room temperature (except for the photon detection part, which requires 4K low temperature), calculate the Bose sampling problem,”Nine Chapters” can process 50 million samples in only 200 seconds, and supercomputers need 600 million years to process; With 10 billion samples, the”nine chapters” only need 10 hours, and the supercomputer needs 120 billion years-and the universe has only been about 13.7 billion years old.
Because of the use of superconducting system, Google’s 53-qubit”Platanus” because of the use of superconducting system, must be operated in an ultra-low temperature environment of -273.12℃ (30mK) all the way, and the random line sampling problem is calculated On the above, there is a loophole in the number of samples:For the same processing of 1 million samples, the”Platanus” takes only 200 seconds, which is indeed much faster than the 2 days of the supercomputer. But when processing 10 billion samples,”Plananus” takes 20 days, which is not as fast as a classic computer.
Pan Jianwei explained in detail:To achieve"quantum hegemony", when will China's"nine chapters" come to the top?
“Although’Nine Chapters’ and’Plalanus’ are designed to deal with different problems, if they are both the same as For comparison,’Nine Chapters’ is equivalently 10 billion times faster than’Panlanus’, and overcomes the defect of dependence on the number of samples.” Lu Chaoyang said that due to the substantial increase in the number of manipulated qubits,”Nine The output state space of”Zhang” (the state where quantum entanglement may occur) has reached 10 to the 30th power-if all these states are to be recorded, all the memory, hard disks and optical discs in the world are not enough. The output state space of”Platanus” is 10 to the 16th power, and the difference between the two is more than a dozen orders of magnitude. This is also one of the reasons why”Platanus” fails to fully reflect the”superiority of quantum computing”.
In fact, at the same time that Google announced the”Platanus” last year, Pan Jianwei’s team has realized the Bose sampling of the 20-photon input 60-mode interference circuit, and the output complexity is equivalent to the output state of 48 qubits. Space has approached the”superiority of quantum computing.” Since then, the team has cooperated with the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to independently develop high-performance photon detectors, achieving a catch-up.
In just one year, the performance of the high-efficiency 100-channel superconducting nanowire single-photon detector used in”Nine Chapters” has increased from 4%to 98%. At the same time, Lu Chaoyang also made substantial innovations to the original technical solutions, and finally achieved beyond.
“Quantum hegemony” is to crush everything?
Achieving”quantum superiority” does not happen overnight
“Quantum superiority experiments are not an overnight job.” In the explanation of”Nine Before the achievement of”Zhang”, Pan Jianwei wanted to correct a misunderstanding in understanding that”quantum hegemony” is to crush everything. Whoever dominates first will win the world.
In fact, in the field of quantum computing, international peers have recognized that there are three indicator development stages, and it is currently in the first stage of”the superiority of quantum computing.” At this stage, scientists are still trying various methods, trying to manipulate a larger number of qubits more accurately, so as to obtain more powerful computing power.
“This is a dynamic process, all leading is only temporary.” Pan Jianwei said, on the one hand, classical computers are still developing, on the other hand, quantum computing is advancing rapidly. It’s just that the electrons in classical computers have only two states, 0 and 1, while quantum can be in a superposition state. Every time a qubit is added, its computing power will increase exponentially.” Therefore, “quantum hegemony” is actually faster The competition between classical algorithms and ever-increasing quantum computing hardware, but in the end, quantum parallelism will produce computing power that classical computers can’t match, and win a crushing victory.
Pan Jianwei explained in detail:To achieve"quantum hegemony", when will China's"nine chapters" come to the top?
The difference between quantum computers and classical computers
Whether it’s Google’s”Plane tree” or China’s”Nine Chapters”, its computing power is one million, hundreds of millions of times the world’s number one supercomputer. The decomposition of more than 300 large numbers, Classical computers will take 150,000 years at the earliest, and quantum computers will be completed in one second.
“In an era when Moore’s Law is approaching its limit, in an era when people’s demand for computing power increases exponentially, quantum computers will inevitably become The world’s frontier’a must for military strategists’.”Pan Jianwei introduced that the United States recently announced the latest plans in the field of quantum computing, and countries such as the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Japan have already made corresponding plans. The successful development of the”Nine Chapters” has firmly established China in international quantum computing research. The position of the first platoon has laid the technical foundation.
Can quantum computers be faster?
Future development requires innovation in fields such as new materials Breakthrough
Although the computing power of”Nine Chapters” has been amazingly fast, it only set a milestone in the first stage of quantum computing, and there is still a long way to go.
Classic computers have evolved from special-purpose computers to general-purpose computers. After more than 20 years of development, quantum computers are now in the earliest special-purpose computer era. Whether it is Google’s”Plane tree” or”Nine Chapters”, both It can only be used to solve a specific problem.
Pan Jianwei explained that this is because the materials currently available for building quantum computers are limited, and they can only be used to”cook with the ingredients”. The world is moving towards one of the few Efforts in several directions. In the future, breakthroughs in quantum computers are more likely to depend on the innovation of new materials in quantum computing hardware.
Pan Jianwei explained in detail:To achieve"quantum hegemony", when will China's"nine chapters" come to the top?
However, even if quantum computing has only come to this day, it still shows attractive application prospects. The Gaussian Bose sampling algorithm based on the”Nine Chapters” is expected to develop graph theory, machine learning, and quantum chemistry in the future Application in other directions.
Another question is, how do people know that the results obtained by these early quantum computing prototypes are correct? Pan Jianwei’s team cooperated with the National Parallel Computer Engineering Technology Research Center in the super The computer verifies the preliminary results obtained in the”Nine Chapters”, starting from simple to complex to super-calculated difficult to handle-if the few photon results can be confirmed, then the multiphoton results of the same device will also be credible Yes.
At the same time as the paper was published in”Science”, Pan Jianwei’s team has begun to move towards the next milestone:a new quantum computing experimental device has begun to be built in the laboratory, and the performance will be further improved.
my country achieves the milestone of"quantum computing superiority" one trillion times faster than the fastest supercomputer
In "discovery"
Surpass Google's"Quantum Hegemony"! Pan Jianwei's team quantum computing prototype"Nine Chapters" comes out
In "discovery"