The principle of democracy is an interpretation of Levy's 1988 international relations. The first theory of the wars refers to Immanuel Kant and the other prominent rationalists of the 18th century, who date back a century ago. DTP provides a variety of theoretical and analytical solutions. Several experts claim on the scientific side that the democratic nations have stronger ties with other countries; some suggest that democracy is more collaborative; some contend that the more democratic the state is, the more prosperous will be the region/globalization (Reiter, D). On the theoretical side, several empirical speculations were made the collaborative between democracy and stability, including, Democracy is more likely to collaborate with other states, and leaders promote confrontation in order to protect their domestic grasp on to control (Reiter, D). In addition to this, the roots of DTP (Classical Liberalism) such as humans unique ability to reason, think and cooperate, freedom and individualism (harmony of interests) that everyone has the right to vote and own property, and perpetual peace between states 1975 which is the concept that democratic nations are unlikely to go to war. However, in this essay, I will discuss the three concrete reasons to explain why I completely agree that a government that seeks global peace should actively spread democracy worldwide to achieve it such as Democracies can restrain leaders from going to war, Democracies tend to negotiate with each other rather than fight wars and Democracy can lead to better communication of the intentions of states.
First and foremost, the first reason why I agree that that government which seeks global peace should actively spread democracy worldwide to achieve because democracies can restrain leaders from going to war. Democracy leaders must accept responsibility for war losses and therefore be very incredibly careful not to engage in war. Furthermore, supporting electoral democracy will help strengthen emerging international standards to make elected officials accountable to their people and encourage leaders to maintain peace (Jones, S). To show an example case when American Strike in Iraq Prompts Anti-War Protests in U.S. Cities in 2020. It occurred when the usage of a drone attack by the Trump administration to destroy Iranian leader Qasem Soleimani which lead hundreds of protesters took to the streets in Washington and elsewhere in the USA to protest President Donald Trump because of the concerns that the military operation could contribute to a full-scale war between Iran and the US like when the U.S invaded Iraq in 2003 which brought many effects for the oversea US and economic issues, especially oil price. (Wolfe, J). However, the erupted protests in the US at least could turn down the intensity of the situation that could lead to a possible war in the future. It’s widely accepted that Democracies can restrain leaders from going to war such as when the US avoided war between Iraq in 2020 because of strong public opinion and protests against it.
Another reason why I agree that that government which seeks global peace should actively spread democracy worldwide to achieve because Democracies tend to negotiate with each other rather than fight wars. When the number of democracies continues to increase in the international community, the amount of possible war-involving tensions will decline “ zone of peace ” because when the dispute is emerging, the Iberian tradition of democracy can make the leaders accustomed to negotiation and compromise, so both countries will bargain rather than starting a war. Although when the conflict arises, they tend to notify the situation to the international organization (i.e., the United Nations, and the International Court of Justice) to resolve the issues with compromise way. To show an example case of Malaysia and Singapore territorial dispute entitled “Territorial Waters and Continental Shelf Boundaries of Malaysia” on 21 December 1979. In Malaysia's disputed sea the chart revealed Pedra Branca. On 14 February 1980, Singapore opposed the proposal with a diplomatic note and called for the correction of the map. Then, in 1993-1994, the Parties conducted a series of bilateral negotiations, which had not resulted in such a way to solve, therefore both countries agree to notify the issues to the ICJ. Ultimately, the ICJ decided that Singapore has the sovereignty in Pedra Branca, and Malaysia has the sovereignty in Middle Rocks and South Ledge jurisdiction belongs to the Regime in its territorial waters (Gunal, F). Therefore, there is no war at all. It’s widely accepted that Democracies tend to negotiate with each other rather than fight wars because this way makes the leaders accustomed to negotiate and compromise than starts war with each other with an example case of Malaysia and Singapore territorial dispute.
The final reason why I agree that that government which seeks global peace should actively spread democracy worldwide to achieve because Democracy leads to better communication of the intentions of states. Democratic engagement and democratic discussion in societies offer reliable and correct details about the goals of government to other nations, so this enables democratic countries to know other democracies' objectives that lowers the likelihood of a security crisis thus decreasing the possibility of conflict. In contrast, the actions of non-democratic representatives are hard to understand what impact concessions will have and whether promises are being managed to keep. Therefore, there is a lack of trust and a lack of desire to accept concessions where there is no democracy in at least one party in a dispute. To show an example case in the transition to democracy in explaining non-proliferation in between Argentina and Brazil. Both countries were interested in nuclear energy. After both countries transformed into a democracy and nonnuclear cooperation agreements were signed between President Alfonsin of Argentina and President Sarney of Brazil. A variety of confidence-building steps and secrets of installation nuclear weapons have been revealed by both Argentina and Brazil and both sought to provide mutual and diplomatic support that neither country was pursuing nuclear weapons (Knopf 2016, 242). This example shows that Democracy leads to better communication of the intentions of states in the example case of nonproliferation between Argentina and Brazil.
In conclusion, once all of the three concrete reasons show why the government which seeks global peace should spread democracy including Democracies can restrain leaders from going to war because the spread of DTP can prevent the leader from engaging in the war as an example when a strong public opinion against the US to go to war with Iraq in 2020, Democracies tend to negotiate with each other rather than fight wars because it allows leaders accustomed and consensus, when a situation like Malaysia and Singapore territorial dispute that was solved through ICJ, and Democracy can lead to better communication of the intentions of states as the example case of a nonproliferation agreement between Argentina and Brazil. However, there is a potential problem of DPT which is applying DPT to the definition of DPT. It can be seen that there's no clear concept of the essence of democracy in the sense of DTP among democratic peace theoreticians, therefore, this might lead to some country that can interpret the term democracy in various ways such as mature democracies, full democracies, partial democracies or authoritarian democracies.