13 ม.ค. 2021 เวลา 04:29 • หุ้น & เศรษฐกิจ
Why do people compare Bitcoin to gold ?
It was designed to share the properties of gold. Both can be mined. Both cannot be counterfeited. But there are differences. Think of Bitcoin as an improved version of gold. During the gold standard the central bank took upon themselves to soak up the gold reserve in exchange for the Dollar. You were no longer allowed to own any gold and instead were told that the new Dollar is the only medium of exchange you are allowed to use. Being a monopoly the supply of this “Dollar” is controlled by one entity. Bitcoin fixes the problems Dollar has brought. It is not possible to control the supply or print more Bitcoin therefore it is scarce and will only get more scarce as we go through the halvings. If we learned anything from history free trade is the only true way of maintaining a healthy economy and the Dollar is the opposite of free trade.