24 ก.พ. 2021 เวลา 00:43 • สุขภาพ
The airfryer cooking machine, absolutely toxic, machine is made from plastic... After some time when the machine is used every week, few months, the hot plastic is making toxic gas in the house and on the food.
And the food, for example people with air fryer device people are more often cooking french fries at home, the brown colour on the French fry after cooking, this is toxic chemical acrylamide...
That is the same chemical from a burning tobacco cigarette, and one serving french fry have the same acrylamide level has 25 cigarettes... And this also applies to restaurant french fries.
People by the airfryer device because they want that brown crispy colour and taste, they have no idea how unhealthy that is
Last year I see the air fryer, and almost looks like interesting idea, but after a little bit research, the device is absolutely toxic