18102019...'Gas Station' The story of 4 characters; Mun(gas station owner), Nok(Mun's wife), Mut(midlife women) and Fon(young lady). Nok left Mun first time 3 years to Phuket and camback for a while and left him again for 5 years also cameback with Cin thai-nigro daughter. Mun loved Cin like his flesh but Nok left him with no reason again. While Mun was waiting for Nok cameback, Mut and Fon were trying to flirt him coz they both loves Mun but no responded at all. One day Cin died from car accident in front of gas station but the driver ran away made Mun heart broken. Nok cameback again and not go anywhere anymore. At the end, Mut got cancer, Fon was going to marry but there was something between Mun and Nok that they just revealed each secret. Mun knew why Nok always left him from her bad childhood experience whereas Nok just knew Mun secret with Mut. So they forgave each other and lived together until then.
Costumes are the best part of this movie especially Fon's superhero dresses and Mun in Cowboy style. The plot was easy but directed and cleared. Some symbolic scenes made some interpretations.