13 ส.ค. 2021 เวลา 15:05 • การศึกษา
Asalha Puja Day is an important day in Buddhism. It takes place on the 15th waxing moon day of the 8th lunar month of every year (for this year, it falls on July 24, 2021). It commemorates four important occurrences which took place during the time of the Buddha as follows;
The Buddha delivered his first sermon. The sermon was delivered to five ascetics at the Isipatanamarugadivan forest near the city of Benares (present day Varanasi, an Indian city on the banks of the Ganga River in Uttar Pradesh).
The Buddha gained his first disciple. Upon the completion of his sermon, ascetic Kondanna had attained the first state of enlightenment to become a Sotapanna It was the day of the first Buddhist monk. After attaining the holy state of Sotapanna, Kondanna asked for the Buddha’s permission to be ordained as a Buddhist monk, for which the Buddha granted. Kondanna thus became the first monk in Buddhism, signifying the beginning of the Sangha, the Order of Monks.
The establishment of the Triple Gem which includes the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha or monks. The fact that the Buddha taught his Dhamma to others, had earned him the status of Samma-Sambuddha, a self-enlightened being who teaches his Knowledge to the world (as differed from a Paccekabuddha, who does not teach).