🏬🏬 Fachhochschule หรือ มีชื่อภาษาอังกฤษว่า University of Apply Science เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยที่เน้นในทางปฎิบัติมากกว่าทางทฤษฏี หรือเรียกว่า วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์ โดยจะสอนเพื่อนำองค์ความรู้ไปใช้ในอุตสาหกรรม มากกว่าการทำวิจัยในประเภทแรก
🎢🎢มหาวิทยาลัยเทคนิค (Technical Universities) เดิมจะเปิดเฉพาะด้านวิศวกรรม แต่ต่อมาได้เปิดสาขาอื่นๆด้วย เน้นการทำวิจัยหนักไปทางวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ไม่หลากหลายส่ขาแบบuniverstät มหาวิทยาลัยที่ลูกชายเรียนก็จะเป็นมหาวิทยาลัยเทคนิคเช่นกันค่ะ TU Berlin
Paedagogische Hochschule หรือ วิทยาลัยครู
Kunsthochschule (Colleges of Art, Film and Music) หรือวิทยาลัยศิลปะ
It’s different letters in a title, that’s all. Some universities might give BSc. diplomas for engineering programs (usually if they are more research oriented), while most will give B.Eng. titles.
It won’t make any difference to employers, who will be more interested in your skills, your thesis and your internships than in the official title.
It also won’t make any difference for universities if you want to enter a master’s program. They will check how many credits you have in the relevant classes but not for the letters in your diploma’s title.
There are good chances that with a B.Eng in materials engineering you can get accepted to a M.Sc in physics, but hardly a chance to get into M.Eng in materials engineering with a B.Eng in software engineering.
The difference between B.Sc. and B.Eng. will be not between theory and practical lessons, but in the material - a B.Eng. in that areay will usually be a lot more hardware-centric, i.e. focus on embedded systems.
The theory/practice split in Germany is between different institutions - traditionally, anything called "University" will have mostly theoretical curriculums since they still stick to the ideal that their primary task is research and teaching future researchers - not to prepare people for industry jobs. Therefore, they generally don't offer many practical lessons and expect students to pick up practical skills by themselves.
There are still some hands-on lessons and working in the industry for a semester is often required but don't expect to find "Introduction to Java" or "Oracle DB administration" courses as part of the main curriculum.
On the other hand, a "Hochschule" or "Fachhochschule" is much more practice-oriented and does have preparing people for industry jobs as its main goal.
"Engineering" - the engineering is already in the graduation. The B.Eng. is a typical qualification designation for a first professional qualification in a technical subject. Its acquisition qualifies you for direct entry into the job market, but also entitles you to take up a postgraduate master’s degree.
By the way, abroad the Bachelor of Engineering is sometimes called a Bachelor of Science of Engineering or Bachelor of Business Engineering- but there are no differences.
Why are there so many technical courses that end with a Bachelor of Science instead of a Bachelor of Engineering? Well, that's simply becaus in Germany there is no concrete way of completing an engineering degree. That is why some end up with a B.Sc. But don't worry! You will still become an engineer!
Danger! Not all Bachelor of Science courses are necessarily engineering! But many engineering subjects end with a Bachelor of Science.