Fungi have been on our planet for over a billion years. Today, some experts believe that fungi on our planet. There are more than 1.5 million species ever. Most of the fungi are in the from of Various mushrooms, including yeast and mold. Fungal threats are very dangerous to living things, be it plants, animals or even us humans It is also dangerous.
This is because mycotoxins are often found in the food we eat every day. For example, rice, corn, peanuts, and even chili peppers can contain mycotoxins. Each species produces different toxins, such as liver toxicity cytotoxicity and immunity muscle toxicity nephrotoxicity including reproductive toxicity. 2000 years ago there was an epidemic from a group of fungi "Ergot alkaloids" in France Toxins from this fungus causing the patient to have hallucinations, itching, burning sensation on the skin and green fingers and toes in which those who have been poisoned can be fatal.
Currently, the substance "Aflatoxin" It is a toxin produced by the fungus "Aspergillus flarue” or "Aspergillus paresiticus" Which grows well in the soil and can withstand heat up to 260 degrees Celsius. From the survey found People affected by the toxin are more common in children than adults. Children who have been exposed to the poison have seizures and lose consciousness. due to liver and brain disorders As for adults, if a large amount of this type of toxic will cause convulsions, difficulty breathing. Liver damage, heart and brain swelling In addition, this toxin can also cause liver cancer. The formation of a large amount of fat in the liver and fibrosis of the liver is also possible.
Fungi are scarier than we think. And it has been on our planet for over a million years.
There are many wonderful things in our world.
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