28 มี.ค. 2022 เวลา 23:40 • ธุรกิจ
Looking for something to read? We present you the best 4 business books that you should read! 😊📚🏆
📕Book: Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
- Business people or any marketers should be familiar with the terms ‘Red Ocean’ and ‘Blue Ocean’ This book suggests why you should differentiate yourself from the ‘Red Ocean’ and step into the ‘Blue Ocean’ in order to be more successful, you need to be brave to be different.
📗Book: The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
- Running a business gives you no precise answer or any shortcut. This book was written to tell the experience when the author was facing some hard situations and he found out there's no formula to tackle it.
📘Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- This book has become one of the top personal finance books of all time. It’s the story of the author who is raised by two dads. Surrounded by business visions, his mindset sticks with money and investment. Reading this will help you acknowledge that financial education is essential and can affect our life.
📙Book: Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
- The author, who is a co-founder of Nike, shares his astonishing journey through a memoir. Starting from the history of Blue Ribbon Sports before Nike even existed, this book will get you into the real challenges and difficulties of the world’s most renowned brand.