30 มี.ค. 2022 เวลา 17:26 • การเมือง
Visited the exhibition by the Museum of Popular History last week. While the highlight exhibition was by iLaw on section 112 or #LeseMajeste law, it's amazing to see how many pieces of Thai political history are collected here.
From the Communist purge days and #ThammasatMassacre to the Red Shirts and #Ratsadon movement, artifacts of the turbulent eras that made Thailand what it is today are woven into one interconnected storyline of one struggle across different generations.
This vicious cycle of violence and bloodshed has been a significant part of Thai lives, but young people today have vowed to put an end to it all while carrying decades of past sufferings and the future of millions on their shoulders.
Today is undoubtedly the dawn of a new history, and it is the little trinkets, t-shirts, and artworks of the commoners that demonstrate it best. #ให้มันจบที่รุ่นเรา #ยกเลิก112