22 เม.ย. 2022 เวลา 16:11 • ประวัติศาสตร์
Caesar's Civil War. ( 49 -45 BC)
It was one of the last politico-military conflicts of the " Roman Republic " before its reorganization into the Roman Empire. it's the conflict between Gaius Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Cr: Wikipedia pic, The map of the Roman Republic in the Mid- First Century BC.
Caesar had a war in " Gaul " for almost 10 years before 49 BC. the main issue which led to a war was to be integrated into the political fabric of " Rome "
Starting from 58 BC, Caesar had held the " Proconsulship " of " Cisalpine Gaul " along with " Illyricum " under the terms of the " Lex Vatinia " and " Transalpine Gaul" at the assignment of the Senate.
Caesar allied himself with Crassus and Pompey in the so-called " First Triumvirate " during his consulship. The political alliance between the three began to fray in the mid 50s BC
After Crassus' departure from Rome at the end of 55 BC and his death in battle in 53 BC. After Crassus' death and Julia ( Caesar's daughter and Pompey's wife) in 54 BC .The alliance between Caesar n Pompey collapsed
CR: Wikipedia Pic.,  Roman world in 56 BC, when Caesar, Crassus and Pompey met at Luca for a conference in which they decided to add another five years to the proconsulship of Caesar in Gaul and to give the province of Syria to Crassus and both Spanish provinces and Africa to Pompey.
Opening of the war.
Crossing the Rubicon.
Cr: Wikipedia Pic.,
On the 10th or 11th of January, Caesar crossed the Rubicon,[38] a small river marking the boundary between the province of Cisalpine Gaul to the north and Italy proper to the south. Crossing the Rubicon, Suetonius claims Caesar exclaimed alea iacta est ("the die is cast"), though Plutarch maintains Caesar spoke in Greek quoting the poet Menander with anerriphtho kubos ("ἀνερρίφθω κύβος," "let the die be thrown");[39] Caesar's own commentaries do not mention the Rubicon at all.[40] This marked a formal start to hostilities, with Caesar being "undoubtedly a rebel".[41]