Your person might be in their space at the moment, they might previously feel suffered with their chaotic lives, and they need to take a recuperation for themselves, you might be in the less communication situations with that person, or even no contact, by the way they keep seeing you via your social media, they feel that you look so lively and beautiful,
Random Love Post : Their Current Feelings Towards You... 💞💞
every time they feel relaxed or even feel released from their own pain from their tough lives. 🌹🍒
Some of them might have so many things in their mind that they don't tell you to know yet, they wait for the right time to tell you everything, they're so tired with everything in their lives at the moment,
and also tired to keep everything in their mind, some of them might feel that maybe it's time to do something before it's too late, some of them now want to throw away all the tough responsibilities, they have some sense of urgency to rush to you. 🚀✈️
If you and them have some issues that both of you haven't clearly talk and still stuck in each other's mind, they'd love to clearly talk and fix all these issues, but they feel so unsure that you still open for them or not, for some of them at night they're always sleepless, and when they look at the sky with the moon and the star at night, they miss you. 🌙🌠