25 มิ.ย. 2022 เวลา 15:45 • ความคิดเห็น
Is it true that people who are proficient in other languages ​​have an advantage over monolingual speakers?
Nowadays, most of the people who can communicate in English are able to get higher wages than those who don't know English. Having more skills is always a good thing. If we know how to apply that knowledge to further business. Of course, business has communication in which selling products to the same group of people as selling products to many other groups are different.
According to communication, Finding a single source of information or news cannot guarantee how reliable the news is. The more we can find news sources from other places. The more we can confirm that the news content is accurate. Therefore, the recipient does not accept "a wrong information"
For example, Thais who do not know English have less access to information than those who knows English. The advancement in knowledge was hindered. Because they can only know what is happening in the country with the Thai media that feeds the news only.
Thai media is not enough, if it is not the talk of businessmen or the expression of their opinions, it is difficult to obtain useful information for us, because the media provide us with their news. But they didn't provide how to make money and get more knowledge.
Lilith Nedjem Kiah