26 มิ.ย. 2022 เวลา 13:41 • ข่าว
i have never seen female dictator in the past 1000 year before. since i knew there was a queen Cleopatra in Egypt, that demonstrated a great full power over a man that was the meaning you mention about or not? dictatorship by the mean, no sex involve, male or female could be both dictator by using the power of something like polistic, sex power or family leadership.
in Thailand, in the past , male were respect by female as a father believeable by traditional or origin culture ( we don't call dictatorship) but in the present, there are real dictatorship in a couple marriage ( wife & husband ) which wife is acting as she was a family leadership, she' work hard stronger than men. she work smarter than her husband.
so she is thinking of her power and control everything in the house. that was the meaning of dictatorship i have seen in a present.