9 ก.ค. 2022 เวลา 00:46 • ข่าวรอบโลก
ยังผิดกฎหมาย 2022
Countries Where Marijuana is Illegal
In many countries around the world, government leaders mostly lean toward the negative aspects of marijuana. Thus, it is still illegal in many nations around the country, although some nations have legalized it for medicinal use. The nations that have made it illegal to cultivate or use marijuana, either recreationally or medically, include:
1 Afghanistan, 2 Albania, 
3 Algeria, 4 Andorra, 
5 Armenia, 6 Azerbaijan
7 Bahamas, 8 Bahrain, 
9 Barbados, 10 Belarus, 
11 Benin, 12 Bhutan,
13 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 
13 Botswana, 14 Brunei, 
15 Bulgaria, 
16 Burkina Faso, 
17 Burundi
18 Cameroon, 
19Cape Verde, 
20 Central African Republic,  21 Chad, 22 People's Republic of China, 23 Comoros,
24 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 25 Republic of the Congo, 26 Cuba
27 Djibouti, 28 Dominica, 
29 Dominican Republic
30 El Salvador, 
31Equatorial Guinea, 
32 Eritrea,  33 Eswatini,  34 Ethiopia,
35 Fiji
36 Gabon, 37 Gambia, 
38 Ghana, 39 Greenland
40 Grenada 
41 Guatemala 42 Guinea 
43 Guinea-Bissau, 
44 Guyana
45 Haiti, 46 Honduras, 
47 Hong Kong, 
48 Hungary
49 Iceland, 50 Indonesia,
51 Iraq, 52 Ireland, 
53 Ivory Coast
54 Japan, 55 Jordan
56 Kenya, 57 Kiribati,
58 Kosovo, 59 Kuwait, 
60 Kyrgyzstan
61 Latvia, 62 Lebanon, 
63 Liberia, 64 Libya, 
65 Liechtenstein, 
66 Lithuania
67 Macau 68Madagascar
69 Malaysia, 70 Malawi, 
71 Maldives, 
72 Mali, 73 Marshall Islands, 74 Mauritania, 
75 Mauritius, 
76 Micronesia, 
77 Monaco, 78 Mongolia, 
79 Montenegro, 
80 Mozambique
81 Namibia, 
82 Nicaragua, 
83 Niger,  84 Nigeria
85 Oman
86 Palau, 87 Panama, 
88 Papua New Guinea, 
89 Philippines
90 Qatar
91 Rwanda
92 Saint Kitts and Nevis, 
93 Saint Lucia,
94 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 95 Samoa,
96 Sao Tome and Principe 97 Saudi Arabia, 
98 Senegal, 99 Serbia, 
100 Seychelles, 
101 Sierra Leone, 
102 Singapore, 
103 Slovakia
104 Solomon Islands, 
105 Somalia, 
106 South Korea, 
107 South Sudan, 
108 Sudan, 
109 Suriname, 
110 Sweden, 111 Syria
112 Taiwan, 
113 Tajikistan, 
114 Tanzania, 
115 Timor-Leste, 
116 Togo, 117 Tonga,
118 Trinidad and Tobago 
119 Tunisia, 
120 Turkmenistan, 
121 Tuvalu
122 Uganda, 
123 United Arab Emirates, 
124 Uzbekistan
125Vatican City, 
126 Venezuela
127 Yemen
128 Zambia