17 ก.ค. 2022 เวลา 22:36 • ไลฟ์สไตล์
Coca-Cola Around the World
I’ve traveled to every continent in the world—except Antarctica—and I’ve found Coca-Cola in every country I’ve visited.
Even in remote villages without electricity, I’ve found bottled Coca-Cola. People can’t read or write in many of these villages, but they drink Coke. Plumbing is unheard of, clean water is a rare privilege, and homes are simply huts made of grass, clay, and animal dung. But look closer, and you’ll notice the villagers are drinking Coca-Cola.
Amazing, isn’t it? Even though Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Sprite, and a ton of other drinks are popular, Coca-Cola rules worldwide.
In Jayapura, Irian Jaya, no one had even heard of root beer, but they proudly displayed Coca-Cola along the side of the road. I wasn’t able to get a 7-Up in the mountains of Bolivia, but I saw row after row of Cokes.
In the Philippines; Ethiopia; Australia; Chiang Mai, Thailand; Tahiti; on a safari in Kenya, East Africa; Calcutta, India; Tokyo; Beijing; Singapore; Guam; and a plethora of other sites I’ve been, I couldn’t always find a Squirt, Pepsi Light, or Mellow Yellow. But I’ve never been without a Coke. No matter how remote . . . no matter what language . . . no matter what culture . . . Coca-Cola is there!
The marketing and advertising groups at the Coca-Cola headquarters have really done their job, haven’t they? They’ve made Coca-Cola the most popular and well-known soft drink around the world.
What if Christ were marketed the same way? Think about it: In every language, every culture, every remote area of the world, wouldn’t it be exciting if everyone could tap into Christ as easily as they can get a Coke? Well, they could . . . if they knew. Hmmm. If only God could come up with an advertising committee as good as Coca-Cola’s.
Guess what—God does have an advertising committee. And it’s a lot more powerful than even Coke’s prestigious team. His marketing crew consists of you. And me. And every single Christian around the world.
So why aren’t you busy advertising Jesus?
Every single day of your life, you advertise something. A sweet spirit, a rotten attitude, coarse language, forgiveness, kind words, affirmation. Your very lifestyle is a walking advertisement.
What . . . or whom . . . have you advertised today?
Know It!
God is counting on you to be his advertisement. Think about it: You personally know the King of kings. Tell someone! The creator of the universe calls you by name. Talk about him!
Read It!
1 Corinthians 2:1-5; Ephesians 3:7; Colossians 3:17; 2 Timothy 1:6-8
Pray It!
If you’re sometimes afraid to talk to others about God, ask him to fill you with his boldness. Ask him to help you remember that he’ll give you the right words to say at the right time.