4 ส.ค. 2022 เวลา 21:22 • ไลฟ์สไตล์
Sticking to the Plan
As soon as the world’s largest backpacking group had crossed the Jordan River, they realized they were up against the largest wall they’d ever experienced in their lives! But everyone remained calm. Josh had already gone over the game plan. He’d already rehearsed the instructions. They knew exactly what to do.
They reached behind their heads and untied their backpacks. Even though years earlier Yo-Mo had specifically said not to bring anything extra, everyone had. It just so happened that 40 years earlier, they were all members of the Egyptian High School marching band. So—even though they weren’t supposed to—they all packed their band instruments!
They pulled out their horns, tubas, flutes, and other music makers and lined up. After tuning up, they marched around the great wall playing “Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In.”
And the people inside the city of Jericho stopped. “Oh, when the saints,” someone sang. “Go marching in,” someone hummed. “Oh, when the saints go marching in,” a soprano belted.
“Hey! I know that song.”
“Where’s that music coming from?”
“Did our city council decide to pipe in special music for us?”
“That’s so great!”
And the next day at the same time, the world’s largest backpacking group marched around the wall again and played the same tune. And the next day. And the next. And the next. Until finally at the end of the week, the people inside the city of Jericho were sick and tired of the same old music.
“Hey, can’t you play anything besides ‘The Saints’?” someone yelled.
“Yeah, we’re SICK of that song!”
“How ’bout a C-scale or a minor chord or one of those augmented things—something!”
Know It!
When God gives you a specific song to sing, there will always be those who try to change your tune. Don’t compromise! God gives specific visions, certain dreams, unique messages for one reason: He wants those visions, those dreams, those messages . . . and those specific songs delivered. Don’t succumb to the pressure of a crowd who wants to change your delivery.
Read It!
Joshua 6; Psalms 112:6-9; 119:1-3, 101-106
Pray It!
Seek God’s strength to continue living the way he wants you to live, and discipline to deliver the message he has given you to share.