6 ส.ค. 2022 เวลา 21:24 • ไลฟ์สไตล์
Complete in Christ
In Christ the fullness of God lives in a human body, and you are complete through your union with Christ.
(Colossians 2:9-10)
This verse expresses the uniqueness of “God’s one and only Son” (John 3:18, niv, niv). The Messiah was not merely a prophet on whom the Spirit of God occasionally settled. Even in the beginning, Jesus was “with God, and he was God” (John 1:1).
If he were anything less, Christianity would be just another human attempt to bring peace on earth. The fullness of God—everything that God is—lives in Jesus, and Jesus lives in us, and we are complete in him. Think about that!
When we struggle with our daily cares and lose sight of our purpose in life, we usually begin to feel that much is lacking in us. And that’s true! As a matter of fact, that’s exactly why God takes us through the tribulations of life. It is when we think we’ve got it all together that we tend to be the farthest from God. But if we recognize and acknowledge our genuine need of him, we will find that in him we are complete.
LORD JESUS, you are so completely great and awesome! How can it be that you have chosen to live in me? And yet you have. Help me to trust you, knowing that you are in control and that you are using everything that happens in my life to show me that in you I am complete and lack nothing.
Holy has the same root as wholly, it means complete. A man is not complete in spiritual stature if all his mind, heart, soul, and strength are not given to God.
R. J. Stewart