Symptoms of erysipelas are found around the ankle and spread to the calf.
A patient aged 86 years with erysipelas. The symptoms began as a raised red rash on the ankle and then spread to the calf. If no treatment or leave it for a long time Will spread to various points may cause the patient to be infected. and a high fever that can lead to death.
treating erysipelas
start by using The herb is called Esldpagpon. Use the fresh leaves bring to grind Mixed with chalk and white liquor 35 degrees, then applied to the area with a red rash. and wrapped the white cloth
result of
3-5 hours after applying the herbs, remove the cloth and herbs. Will find that the rash embossed has collapsed, so the mask is repeated until it disappears, observing that the red rash becomes black, does not expand, the skin will peel off as normal.
Do not expose the area where the herbal mask is exposed to water, moisture, do not peel, scratch, touch, because it can be infected. In addition, picking and scratching sheep will spread the disease. considered to stimulate pathogens