24 ม.ค. 2023 เวลา 12:21 • ไลฟ์สไตล์
Ideal happiness is The satisfaction gained from doing things in life and spending time with loved ones and worship.
There are some people who may need help in finding their ideal happiness, such as the support and guidance of respected people such as parents, teachers, monks, etc.
Sacrificing spirit, helping the poorer society, or the practice of chanting It can also cause happiness..
[Read Attached..]
1. ธรรมนูญชีวิต - CONSTITUTION FOR LIVING Buddhist principles for a fruitful and harmonious living พุทธจริยธรรมเพื่อชีวิตที่ดีงาม : พระพรหมคุณาภรณ์(ป. อ. ปยุตฺโต)S A