17 ก.พ. 2023 เวลา 16:07 • หนังสือ

Thales, a Greek philosopher who lived in the 6th century BC

Thales looked at everything around him, people, trees, mountains and so on. He thought that these things Caused by something, it's probably not the skill of creation. from the gods, so he asked what was the origin of the world.
Thales, a Greek philosopher who lived in the 6th century BC, is considered one of the first philosophers of the Western tradition. He believed that everything in the world had a rational explanation, and that natural phenomena were not caused by gods or supernatural forces, but by natural causes.
Thales was interested in finding the origin of the world, and he believed that everything could be traced back to a single fundamental substance. He believed that this substance was water, and that everything in the world, including living beings, was ultimately composed of water in some form.
Thales' idea of the world's origin was significant because it marked a shift away from mythological explanations for the world, and towards a more rational, naturalistic understanding of the universe. His philosophy influenced later thinkers, including Anaximander and Anaximenes, who developed their own theories about the fundamental nature of the universe.