17 ก.พ. 2023 เวลา 17:40 • การศึกษา

Anaximander was a pre-Socratic philosopher is Greek around the 6th century BCE.

Anaximander was a pre-Socratic philosopher who lived in the ancient Greek city of Miletus around the 6th century BCE. He was a student of Thales, who is considered to be the founder of the Ionian school of philosophy. While Anaximander was influenced by Thales, he also had some differences with his teacher's ideas, including the concept of the primary substance.
Thales believed that everything in the universe was made up of water, while Anaximander believed that there was a more fundamental substance that everything was made up of. Anaximander called this substance "apeiron," which means "the boundless" or "the indefinite." He believed that the universe was not created from any one element but from the infinite and eternal apeiron, which is neither water nor any other specific element.
In addition, Anaximander also criticized Thales' theory that water was the primary substance, arguing that water could not be the ultimate source of all things. Anaximander believed that water could not explain the nature of things that were not water, such as fire, earth, and air. He believed that there must be something that was more fundamental than any of the four elements, which he called the "apeiron."
Anaximander's ideas were revolutionary for his time and had a significant impact on the development of philosophy in ancient Greece. He was one of the first philosophers to explore the concept of a single, fundamental substance that could explain the nature of the universe.