17 ก.พ. 2023 เวลา 18:01 • การศึกษา

Anaximenes around the 6th century BCE. He was a student of Anaximander

Anaximenes was a philosopher who lived in ancient Greece around the 6th century BCE. He was a student of Anaximander, and like his teacher, he believed in the concept of a primary substance. However, Anaximenes believed that this primary substance was air, rather than the boundless apeiron of Anaximander
According to Anaximenes, all things in the universe are composed of air, which he believed to be a divine and infinite substance. He described how air can transform into different forms depending on its density and concentration:
When the air is rarified and expands, it becomes fire. Anaximenes believed that the stars in the sky were made of fiery air, and that they were carried by the movement of the air.
When the air is compressed, it becomes colder and denser, eventually turning into water and then into solid matter like rocks and earth.
When the air becomes even more compressed, it turns into rarefied air again and returns to its original form.
In this way, Anaximenes believed that all matter, whether it is solid, liquid, or gas, originated from air. His theory is an early example of a scientific understanding of the physical world, and his ideas had a significant influence on later philosophers and scientists.
It is worth noting that while Anaximenes believed that air was the primary substance, he did not deny the existence of other elements. Instead, he believed that they were all derived from air in some way.