21 ก.พ. 2023 เวลา 06:39 • สุขภาพ

No more bald genetics in the Humanity of Future?

May Gene modification turn baldness away?
Current hair loss, baldness We know for sure that Most of them are caused by weak genetics of hair roots. Is it possible that If we cut out the genes that cause baldness Our next generation Will there be a problem of hair loss, baldness anymore?
In 1998, Dr. Angela Christiano, PhD, reported the discovery of a gene called Hairless, a gene found to cause a genetic disease in Pakistani families. It was found that children born in the family will have hair loss since infancy. and when I fall, I will never rise again. The discovered gene is located at chromosome 8p21 (Science, January 30,1998, vol 279, No. 5351).
at the end of the same year Dr. Angela and team A report in the journal "American Journal of Human Genetics" detects members of an Irish family with the same symptom, hair loss at birth. and found that it was a mutation of the said gene This underscores the relevance of this gene to hereditary hair loss effects.
In good and bad…
In 1998, Dr. Elaine Fuchs published in the journal Cell found that a protein called beta-catenin produced and accumulated in genetically engineered mice can greatly stimulate hair follicle cell formation. But it later caused cancer in lab rats later.
(Fuchs, university of Chicago 1998) (Gat, Dermatology Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Summer 2000).
Dr. Ronald Crystal, MD, published in the journal "The Journal of Clinical Investigation" in 1999, that proteins produced by the regulation of a large number of Sonic Hedgehog Gene (SHH) genes can change hair follicle cells from rest period enter the growth phase
It can be seen that the growth and deterioration of the hair roots are influenced by the genetic unit. (genes) in many ways, both directly, including genes that determine the formation of hair follicles Determines the life cycle of the hair and indirectly includes the genes that determine the production of repair agents and proteins that are essential food for the hair follicles.
The root scientists work hard to find a solution. In the future, genetic modification technologies such as CRISPR may be used to help edit the genetics that cause baldness. until future human beings May not suffer from hairlessness (baldness) again. However, there is good and bad. Genetic editing in humans can lead to complications or other long-term life-threatening consequences.
The follow-up can take a lifetime. Therefore, in the short term, we will likely only see genes modified in microscopic organisms such as viruses or bacteria to make proteins or nutrients to repair hair follicles. To help the damaged hair roots come back to life again.
The hair loss is hereditary and can be constituent in healthy and smart population. It does not effect the human from proliferation. The bald genes still be, as a part of human being from generation to generation.
The genetic modification is future thought to human being. We have , in present days, the genetic modification to plants but there is no actual gene modifyer done in human. It is the ethical issue to manipulate the human genes.
If there were a chance of gene modification for human, I sure believe that it would be for beating the diseases in first place, for examples Cancer genes or Alzhimers's gene.