7 มี.ค. 2023 เวลา 06:14

America Is Addicted To Unwinnable Conflicts and The Addiction Is Lethal

And it’s bankrupting the country
The Vietnam War was an unwinnable nightmare that we lost. The Yugoslav Wars lasted a decade, from 1991 to 2001. The War on Terror has dragged on for over twenty years and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The War in Afghanistan was a disaster that cost us trillions. The second Iraq War technically ended in a “win” for the United States, but few can point to Iraq today as a place that is safe for international democracy and western values.
The War on Drugs started in 1971 and is clearly unwinnable. Drug deaths are rising exponentially instead of falling. Meanwhile, the United States spends an estimated $51 billion per year on this conflict with nothing to show for it other than prisons filled with casual weed smokers… Yet, we continue to set record high deaths for drug overdoses. Sunk cost? Absolutely. Clearly, this isn’t working, yet we continue to fight the good fight and blow billions.
And they are already salivating at the mouth to send more money and more equipment to Europe. (No one wants to admit that prolonging the conflict is leading to more death and destruction in the very country they claim to adore.)
This addiction is fueled by two great delusions.
1. The United States is righteous and their goals are always just.
2. There is nothing that a new missile, tank or check can’t solve on the battlefield.