20 มี.ค. 2023 เวลา 13:51 • วิทยาศาสตร์ & เทคโนโลยี

Get to know the massive network for online worldwide.

Have you ever wondered about the vast network of machines that control our online world? These machines, which are often invisible and unknown to the general public, Power everything from social media platforms to e-commerce sites. and even the Internet itself
One type of online machine that many people may not know is a server farm. These gigantic facilities have thousands of servers. which is a high-powered computer that stores and processes data Server farms are responsible for delivering the content we see online. From videos, articles, to social media updates.
large network technology.
Another type of machine that is essential to our online experience is content delivery networks (CDNs). These networks consist of a series of servers located around the world. They work together to deliver content to users quickly and efficiently. CDNs are especially important for websites with a global audience. As it reduces loading times and improves the overall user experience.
Finally, there are also specialized machines designed specifically for tasks such as data processing and storage. These machines, such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and solid state drives (SSDs), power everything from video editing software to cloud storage services.
In summary, it is The online world is powered by a massive network of machines working tirelessly behind the scenes to deliver the content and services we rely on every day. without these machines The internet as we know it will never exist.