1 ส.ค. 2023 เวลา 22:07 • วิทยาศาสตร์ & เทคโนโลยี

Best YouTube for machine learning

cr. dankornas
🚀 Are you interested in learning more about machine learning and its applications? Do you want to watch some awesome YouTube channels that cover topics such as deep learning, natural language processing, neural networks, and more?
If so, you should check out this list of awesome YouTubers who share their knowledge and experience in machine learning using different programming languages and frameworks. You can find the full list here: github.com/JoseDeFreitas/…
🎥 Some of the YouTubers on the list are:
✅ Abhishek Thakur (@abhi1thakur): A four-times Kaggle Grandmaster who uploads practical videos and talks about machine learning. 🏆
💠 Featured playlists: Applied Machine Learning Framework, Tips & Tricks
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/abhisheks…
✅ Ahlad Kumar : A machine learning enthusiast who explains deep learning concepts. 🧠
💠 Featured playlists: Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCZCFT…
✅ Aladdin Persson (@AladdinPersson): A software engineer who teaches PyTorch and TensorFlow. 🔥
💠 Featured playlists: PyTorch Tutorials, TensorFlow 2.0 Beginner Tutorials
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCkzW5…
✅ Andreas Mueller (@amuellerml): A machine learning researcher and educator. 🎓
💠 Featured playlists: Applied Machine Learning 2020
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UC8wZn…
✅ Data School (@justmarkham): A data science instructor who teaches Python and machine learning. 🐼
💠 Featured playlists: Introduction to Machine Learning, Data analysis in Python
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/dataschool
✅ Henry AI Labs (@CShorten30): A machine learning enthusiast who summarizes research papers. 📚
💠 Featured playlists: Deep Learning Paper Summaries, Reinforcement Learning
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCHB9V…
✅ Jeremy Howard (@jeremyphoward): A data scientist and entrepreneur who co-founded fast.ai. 💡
💠 Featured playlists: Deep Learning from the Foundations, Introduction to Machine Learning
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/fastai
✅ Rasa (@Rasa_HQ): A conversational AI platform that helps developers build chatbots. 💬
💠 Featured playlists: NLP for Developers, Developing Contextual AI assistants
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCJ0V6…
✅ Yannic Kilcher (@ykilcher): A PhD student and researcher who reviews and explains NLP and machine learning. 🎥
💠 Featured playlists: Natural Language Processing, General Machine Learning
💠 YouTube Channel: youtube.com/c/yannickilcher