14 ส.ค. 2023 เวลา 03:32 • การศึกษา
Fatoni university

New chapter of life as a student

Let me introduce you a little bit about me
I'm Nurulhuda Marudin
I'm a master student of ELT at Fatoni University
I'm a nature lover
It's a good opportunity to be back as a student again
New journey is starting now at Fatoni University
I always use this motto to drive my soul and my dream to do not give up easily
I've decided to continue my study to fulfil my goals in the future
I know this journey is full of challenging to face but it won't be too difficult. If we are determined to make it happen.
I would love to share my journey along as a student here via this blog
I hope that it will give you the beneficial and valuable contents and information for you all!!!