In-depth health check-up by The Senizens Wellness specialist reads the lab results, which we provide very important.
It is also a health examination down to the genetic level, focusing on predicting and diagnosing diseases related to various degenerative diseases.
Our expert medical instructors will be able to arrange
(Personalized vitamins) that will help the body return to balance and youthfulness again.
Including adding vitamins directly into the blood vessels (IV Drip) NAD + Therapy.
In addition, AI is used to help doctors detect diseases and applications to record illness history, blood results.
The program allows you to monitor the risk of various diseases and prepare for prevention before they occur. If abnormalities are detected, you can treat them from the start.
Such as blood pressure measurement, blood glucose monitoring, blood lipid monitoring, kidney function monitoring, liver function monitoring, and heart health monitoring. Homo check-up, women's health check-up Men by age range