13 ก.ย. 2023 เวลา 02:06 • การศึกษา

The upstream migration of Tinfoil Barbs,

or Pla Ta Pien in Thai, during the rainy season infront of Wat Budhathaisawan ,Ayuthaya.
Fun fact :
When we were little, our Thai parents would
frequently make a home-made baby hanging mobile in the shape of tinfoil barbs (pla tapien) and hang it over the crib.
Pla ta pien san
The Pla Ta Pien mobile is made from the folded, woven leaves of the palm, and it is a symbol of prosperity.
Besides,Pla Ta Pien is another name for a Tinfoil barb in Thai. "Pien", by accident, means perseverance.
Keep swiming !!!! 🐟🐟
Sometime nature gave us a sign to keep swimming
even though it was raining, and just like those tinfoil barbs,perseverance was the key.
Thanks Lord Buddha.