11 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 08:51 • การศึกษา

Is 'Translanguaging' a good way to learn a language?

Translanguaging is like a language superpower! It's when people who speak more than one language use all their language skills without worrying about sticking to just one language. When you're learning a new language, translanguaging means using all your language tools to help you pick up that new language. It's like using everything you know to make learning a new language easier.
Here are some key benefits:
1. Comprehension and Communication: Translanguaging helps multilingual learners comprehend and communicate about subject area content.
2. Improved Proficiency: It improves English proficiency by enabling learners to make connections between their native languages and English.
3. Cultural Competence: Translanguaging in the classroom can foster cultural competence and normalize multicultural experiences.
4. Fluid Linguistic Skills: It can help any student develop more fluid linguistic skills.
These benefits provide convincing reasons for allowing and encouraging the use of multiple languages in the classroom. However, the effectiveness of translanguaging may vary depending on individual learning styles and contexts. It's always a good idea to explore different language learning strategies to see what works best for you.
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Curriculum Development class.