13 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 09:06 • การศึกษา

Neuro Linguistic Programming( NLP)in ELT

(NLP in the English classroom)
Thank you to our professor to giving the lecture of NLP course and it's proving really useful when teaching my classes (and relating to others in general).
I have a very kinesthetic student in a one-to-one private class. At the beginning, I tried to help him lean through lots of charts, diagrams and reading because I'd assumed if he was an engineer, he was going to like visuals.
I'm very fond of music, so I also provided him with lots of youtube videos and tasks to work on the song.
He's highly respectful and he's always shown a very positive attitude in class.
However, when started to put into practice my humble new insights into NLP like mirroring, pacing & leading, anchors, he started to respond more efficiently to the tasks proposed in class.
I was shy at the beginning becasue I thought he was going to realise I was pacing him but he didn't and I'm proud to say the class has moved to a new level of genuine communication.
I recommend NLP to all the teachers who are interested in creating rapport and interpersonal communication.