19 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 07:51 • การศึกษา

How to soften the heart in the Quran

🤍 The importance of the heart in Islam cannot be understated as Allah refers back to the heart again and again throughout the Quran to show us how powerful the heart is in the lives of humanity. The believer and the non-believer alike are controlled by their hearts.
📿 There are numerous ways to do for softening the heart is to be in the remembrance of Allah. Doing any type of worships, reflection and contemplating about the Creator and the signs of Allah in the creation will put our life into context and help us to soften the heart and become humbled. The Heart in the Quran is the most important part of the human body as it controls the actions of every person.
🔬Currently neuro-scientist are telling us that the Emotion has more power over a persons actions than the intellect. The intellect is the rational mind, and the heart controls the emoitional state.
🤲 According to the Prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him) informed us in a Hadeeth:
Indeed in the body there is a peace of flesh, if it is reformed, the whole body becomes good, and if it is spoilt, then the whole body becomes spoilt. Indeed it is the Heart.
Sahih Al-Bukhari
🧬 This shows us the heart has a crucial role in the body, more than just the physical function of pumping blood. It has a spiritual function that affects the soul.
🛐 If we are able to understand our heart, take control of the heart, and cleanse it from those things that defiles it, then we would gain mastery over it and over your actions.
Ref. : www.quranicconnection.tv , Pinterest, Material
Peace Studies class