19 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 09:29 • การศึกษา

The comparison of Thorndike’s theory VS John.B Watson’s theory

Thorndike’s theory:
💭Focus: the idea of the connection between stimuli and responses.
📣Law of Effect: Thorndike proposed the Law of Effect, which states that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors followed by negative outcomes are less likely to be repeated.
✅❎Trial and Error Learning: He emphasized learning through trial and error, where animals (and humans) learn by forming associations between actions and their consequences.
🐈 Animal Experiments: He conducted experiments with animals, such as cats in puzzle boxes, to demonstrate the principles of connectionism.
Watson’s theory:
💭Focus: Watson’s behaviorism emphasizes observable behaviors and rejects the study of mental processes.
🧠Stimulus-Response Association: Behaviorism focuses on the relationship between stimuli and observable responses, emphasizing that behavior can be conditioned and modified through learning.
🐀Little Albert Experiment: Watson’s famous “Little Albert” experiment demonstrated that emotional responses, such as fear, can be conditioned in a child by associating a neutral stimulus (white rat) with a frightening noise.
📈Nurture Over Nature: Behaviorism emphasizes the role of environment and experience in shaping behavior, downplaying the influence of innate traits.
Ref. : www.structure-learning.com, material, Pinterest
Psychology class