21 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 05:14 • การศึกษา

Islamization Of Knowledge In Qur’anic Perspective

Islamization is an attempt to make all aspects of the university both in academic and non-academic, in-tune with the philosophy of life or worldview, the principles of the doctrine, values, ethics and norms of Islam, in which there are views that is integral to the concept of knowledge (epistemology) and the concept of God (theology).
Science and Islamic Education
The term ‘ilm that true science is the revelation itself12 or something derived from revelation or related to revelation, although it was later used for a wider meaning and includes human knowledge.The centrality of science in Islamic civilization illustrated.
Classification Science and Practice of Islamic Education
In situations where muslims are required to seek the religious sciences and general science, then the classification of sciences by al-Ghazali become fardhu ‘ain and fardhu kifâyah20 still very relevant to be applied.
Science fardhu ‘ain is the science that emphasizes the dimension of divinity, the intensification of the relationship with God, fardhu kifâyah science emphasizes the relationship of human beings, and other moral values that form the perspective of life and the universe.
The division of science fadhu ‘ain and fardhu kifâyah need not be understood as dichotomous, as he was just sharing knowledge hierarchy based on the level of truth. It must be seen in the perspective of integral unity or tauhidî, where the first is a principle and a referral for a second.
The word “Islamization” is ascribed to Islam, which is a religion that it’s manhaj has been laid by God through revelation. Science is a perception, concept, form of matter. Islamization of knowledge means relationship between the values of Islam and science, in other words, relationship between the “Book of Revelation” al-Quran and al-Sunnah with “The Book of Science” of human being.
So the purpose of Islamization of science is to link the study of Islam with science in order to conclude that science is always aligned with al-Qur’an.