21 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 07:43 • การศึกษา


Muslim Philosophers' Contribution towards education is worth mentioning. Muslim Philosophers emphasized on logic, reality, freedom of will, sources Of knowledge etc. They have tried to harmonize the Philosophers Perspectives & Greek Philosophy with tenants of Islam and synthesize science, religion and philosophy and defined their subject matter to keep balance in them.
First self identified as an Arabic Muslim philosopher.Made access of Greek philosophy to Muslim world. Believed knowledge can attain from philosophy appointed in translated movement by al-Mamun rashid. was a physician, musicians,polymath,mathematician. Revealed is the best source of knowledge
All of reality comes from one absolute God.Developed mathematical scale in medicine.Developed method of variations in frequency of letters. Determined eye and object in contact with medium of light.
We are fortunate in having a list of titles of works ascribed to al-Kindi, which is found in the Fihrist of the tenth century bookseller Ibn al-Nadim. Thanks to Ibn al-Nadim we know that al-Kindi wrote hundreds of treatises on a very wide variety of scientific and philosophical disciplines. Indeed the scientific and mathematical titles far outnumber the philosophical titles.
Many of the latter would now be lost if not for a single manuscript, held in Istanbul, which contains most of al-Kindi’s extant philosophical writings (edited in Abu Rida 1950 and 1953; several important texts are edited and translated in Rashed and Jolivet 1998). This includes the work for which he is best known, On First Philosophy.
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