21 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 08:41 • การศึกษา

The culture understanding of a language enhance one’s proficiency or fluency in that language ?

Contextual Understanding
Language is deeply connected to culture. Understanding the cultural context in which the language is used allows you to grasp the nuances, idioms, and cultural references that might not be immediately apparent from a linguistic perspective. This understanding helps you communicate more effectively and accurately.
Idiomatic Expressions
Many languages are rich in idiomatic expressions that are rooted in cultural references. When you understand the culture, you can better comprehend and use these expressions, making your language use more natural and native-like.
Cultural Sensitivity
Language and culture are intertwined, and certain words or phrases may have specific cultural connotations. Understanding these nuances helps you avoid unintentionally causing offense or misunderstanding, which is crucial for effective communication.
Pragmatic Skills
The way people communicate in a language is often influenced by their cultural norms and values. Understanding these norms and values helps you develop pragmatic skills, such as knowing when to use formal or informal language, how to express politeness, and more.
Improved Listening Skills
When you understand the culture, you can better relate to and understand the topics and references in spoken language. This enhances your listening comprehension and your ability to engage in conversations.