21 ต.ค. 2023 เวลา 09:19 • การศึกษา

Instilling Religious Moderation Value in ELT through Cross-Cultural Understanding Course

Nirwana Nirwana and Waode Surya Darmadali
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia nirwana.nirwana@uin-alauddin.ac.id
CCU is a course that provides cross-cultural understanding, including cultural conflicts, cultural adaptation, and the values of a culture's life (Natia Davitishvili, 2017). Through the Cross-Cultural Understanding course, the lecturers are expected to be able to transfer the values of tolerance in religion through the Communicating Across Cultural and Cross-Cultural Conflict and Adjustment chapters contained in this course.
Because in this chapter, students will be given learning related to understanding in communicating across cultures and overcoming cultural conflicts that occur by making adjustments to the existing cultural diversity (Mulyono et al., 2017).
Religious Moderation in CCU
Facing radicalism is necessary empowerment of religious-based civil society organizations for commitment strengthening nationality; role enhancement religious, social and political leadership in educational institutions in strengthening and empowering harmony religion- nationality.
Learning outcomes of CCU
* The students understand and improve their appreciation of the importance of cultural differences and diversity
* To improve their awareness of the knowledge and skills that are needed for successful communication
* To expand cultural awareness of both the students native and target culture
* Help the students to identify ways to avoid misinterpretation in their interaction with people from other culture
that the students got more understanding toward the religious moderation value that should be implemented in their daily life. Therefore, all components of Islamic higher education can maximize their role in spreading the value of religious moderation to the wider community.
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