15 พ.ย. 2023 เวลา 15:30 • การศึกษา

Jerome Bruner

Jerome Bruner, who lived from 1915 to 2016, was a very important American psychologist. He made significant contributions to the study of how our minds work and how we learn things in school. Here is the research on children’s cognitive development proposed three modes of representation.
● Enactive representation (based on action)
This mode involves learning through action and experience. It refers to the understanding gained by physically interacting with objects and the environment. For example, a child learns about the concept of "hot" by touching a stove.
● Iconic representation (based on images)
In this mode, learning occurs through images and visual representations. It involves understanding through pictures, diagrams, or mental images. For instance, a map is an iconic representation of a geographic area.
● Symbolic representation (based on language)
In this mode, it involves learning through symbols and language. It's the most abstract mode and includes understanding concepts through words, mathematical symbols, and abstract symbols. For example, understanding the concept of addition through mathematical symbols like "+" and "=" is a form of symbolic representation.
These three modes of representation are essential in the process of cognitive development and learning, as they provide different ways for individuals to understand and interact with the world around them.
Subject : Psychology