15 พ.ย. 2023 เวลา 15:57 • การศึกษา

Skinner’s Theory

B. F. Skinner was a famous psychologist and his work is built on the assumption that behavior is influenced by its consequences. He believed that to understand why people do things, we should focus on what leads to those actions and what happens as a result. He introduced an approach which was called “Operant Conditioning”. Based on his theory, he mentioned that behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior which are the reinforcements and
Let me explain them in a simpler way:
• Positive means adding something to a situation to make a behavior more likely. For exaple, a teacher praises a student for completing their homework on time by saying, "Great job! I'm impressed with your dedication. You've earned extra free time during the next break."
• Negative means taking something away from a situation to make a behavior more likely. For exaple, a teacher allows students to skip the last homework assignment of the month if they have consistently participated in class discussions throughout the month, removing the obligation for additional work.
• Reinforcement is when you do something to encourage a behavior.
For exaple, the teacher gives a student extra assignments or additional classwork as a consequence for disruptive behavior during a lesson, with the intention of discouraging future disruptions.
• Punishment is when you do something to discourage a behavior. For example, the teacher temporarily removes a privilege, such as recess or using a preferred classroom tool, from a student who consistently fails to turn in homework on time, aiming to decrease the likelihood of late submissions.
It can be conclued that In teaching, it's important to be fair and considerate when using rewards and punishments. While positive reinforcement, like praise and privileges, is encouraged for creating a positive learning environment, punishments should be used carefully. The goal is to make learning a positive and supportive experience for all students.