3 ธ.ค. 2023 เวลา 15:15 • การศึกษา

Types of Nafs

There are Three Types of Nafs.
i. Nafs Ammārah (Dead Heart): A sinner, transgressor or evil-inciting, which is prone to evil, and, if not checked and controlled, will lead to perdition.
ii. Nafs Lawwāmah (Sick Heart): A Repentant Sinner, keeps sinning regularly while repenting again and again striving to cut off the sin fron the life.
iii. Nafs Mutma'innah (Helthy Heart): This is Nafs which is contented and does everything what Allah wants for Allah and leaves everything what Allah doesn't like for Allah.
Allah says in Qur'an
يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ
(O contented soul)
Here the soul of the believer is referred to as nafs mutma'innah 'the contented soul'. The word mutma'innah literally means 'calm'. It refers to the soul that is 'peaceful and tranquil' as a result of remembrance and obedience of Allah. When he abandons it, he feels restless.
This is probably the same soul as is made pure, through spiritual exercises and discipline, from the evil traits and bad conduct. Obedience of Allah and His remembrance becomes his predisposition. Shari'ah becomes his nature.
And in the next verse
ارْجِعِي إِلَىٰ رَبِّكِ
(come back to your Lord....89:28).
The words 'come back' indicate that his first place was with his Lord, and now he is commanded to go back to Him.
verse continued
رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً
(...well-pleased, well-pleasing)
believer's soul is well-pleased with decrees destined by Allah & Allah too is well-pleased with His slave. The slave's being pleased with Allah's decrees & injunctions is a sign that Allah is pleased.
Now read the whole thing together:
“O contented Soul, come back to your lord well pleased, well pleasing. Now enter amongst by servants and enter my paradise.”
One more thing to notice here is that Allah swt says to enter amongst his pious servants first and then commands to enter the Jannah with those servants. Hence piety and Companionship of Pious is the Key to Jannah. May Allah makes our soul contented in Nafs Mutma'innah Ameen.
Peace study😊😊