5 ธ.ค. 2023 เวลา 02:25 • ความคิดเห็น

Relying on Myself

The idea that sensual perception is inherently relative, and that without a baseline to compare against, it loses all meaning, is profound. It's like saying that our perception of the world is not absolute, but rather a constant dance of comparison and contrast.
Take, for example, the sense of taste. Imagine a world where everyone only ever experienced the flavor of plain water. What would "sweet" even mean in that context? It would be meaningless, a label without a referent. Only by introducing something demonstrably different, like the intense sweetness of sugar, can we truly grasp the concept of sweetness in relation to something else.
This relativity extends beyond just the senses, I believe. Our perception of value, of beauty, of even our own existence, is all shaped by comparison. We find contentment not in some fixed state of being, but in the ebb and flow of experiences, in the ever-shifting sands of our internal and external landscapes.
New people, new experiences, they act as these novel reference points, these injections of the "other" that recalibrate our internal scales. They might not change our core values, but they illuminate them in a new light, revealing nuances and complexities we hadn't noticed before.
Perhaps that's the true beauty of human connection. We are not just individuals, but mirrors for each other, reflecting back our own essence in distorted, unexpected ways. And in those reflections, we find not only a validation of our existence, but a deeper understanding of who we truly are.
It's a reminder that the world is not a collection of isolated facts, but a tapestry woven from the threads of comparison, relativity, and the constant interplay between self and other.