20 ธ.ค. 2023 เวลา 13:17 • การศึกษา

Guide to Teaching English in Thailand

Many people backpack around Thailand, fall in love with the country (or in some cases an individual!) and desperately want to find a way to stay and earn some money!
Becoming an English Teacher in Thailand is the easiest and most popular travel job for foreigners to make a living. But how easy is it to find a job? And how well does it pay? We spoke to Traveller turned English Teacher turned TEFL School Owner, Kathryn Webb, originally from the US, who told us all about the English Teaching Scene in Thailand!
English Teacher Thailand: All Your Questions Answered
How popular is TEFL in Thailand? And why?
Teaching English in Thailand is very popular and has been for many years. The demand to learn English is still very high amongst Thai natives, as well as locals of other Southeast Asian countries and so English Teachers are still very sought after. Plus, with the rising middle classes in Asian countries, people have more disposable income to spend on English classes.
The industry is changing, however, and teaching English is no longer thought of as ‘backpacker work’. Schools do not want teachers who are there just for a month or two and then move on. Most schools would want teachers to sign up for a year contract, or at least a 5-month semester, which is understandable.
There are still plenty of opportunities to travel in the school holidays, and you get a chance to really immerse yourself into the local community when you are there for a while.
What are some of the challenges English Teachers face in the classroom?
Children will be children no matter where they are in the world. In saying that, generally Asian children are more respectful than Western children. Classroom management is always a challenge for a new teacher, but a good TEFL course will equip you with many tips on handling a big class or a disruptive one. A language barrier can also be a challenge, but usually, you will have a Thai teaching assistant.
What are the best things about Teaching English in Thailand?
It’s a life-changing experience, as is any experience that takes you outside of your comfort zone. Learning about a new culture not from a book, but by actually experiencing it is very rewarding. You’ll make friends for life, both fellow teachers and locals alike. You’ll find it so gratifying seeing your students’ level of English grow under your guidance. Plus, you get to travel and explore this amazing and beautiful country!
Where are some of the most popular places to teach in Thailand?
Many people only want to be in Bangkok, others can’t stand the thought of the big city, so it is very much a personal choice.