20 ธ.ค. 2023 เวลา 13:25 • การศึกษา

Problems Faced by Teachers in Teaching English Language

1. Disturbed Environment of the Class
Environment matters most in learning and teaching the English language. Most English teachers faced environmental problems in teaching the English language.
he disturbing environment of the classroom distracts the teachers and affects the teaching of the English language.
A suitable and comfortable environment is a basic need for teaching the English language.
If the environment is not suitable and comfortable for the teachers then it ruins all the teaching and learning process of the English language.
A positive and comfortable learning environment is very essential for teaching the English language.
2. Limited Teaching Resources
Not only the English language, Teaching anything mostly depends on the resources.
Mostly the teachers faced this kind of problem, the resources which are essential for delivering lectures in the English language to the students for effective learning are not provided to them.
It became very difficult for the teachers to teach without the resources essential for the lectures.
The resources include speakers, mikes, projectors, computer systems,s and other kinds of digital devices.
3. A Large Number of Students in the Classroom
A large number of students in the classroom produce a lot of disturbance and stress for the teachers because teaching a large number of students the teachers have to do more effort and hardworking.
The problems caused by a large number of students are given below:
Disturbed the teacher by making noises.
Difficult to manage the class students.
Engaging crowded students in learning is very difficult.
The learning resources are not available for all the students.
These are some problems that arise in a crowded class.
4. Wrong Syllabus to be Taught
The syllabus is a kind of content that the teachers follow to teach to the students. The syllabus plays a very important role in teaching the English language and also in other subjects.
The syllabus helps the teachers to prepare the important factors of the course and organized the overall course to teach to the students step by step.
Most teachers faced this problem in teaching the English language. The wrong syllabus is given to them to teach the students the English language.
Teachers who teach the wrong syllabus will make negative impressions on the students, and by this, the students cannot learn and speak the English language.
5. Limited Time for Lectures to Teach
Time is the most important thing in learning the English language. It takes time for the teachers to observe their students and teach them at their level. The time of the class is very little for the teachers to teach the English language.
This is one of the most difficult tasks for teachers to teach in less time.
This is probably not possible for the teachers to complete the topics of their lectures in less time, which is not enough.
6. Using Other Languages in the Classrooms
Speaking other languages or speaking in the native language is the most noticeable issue faced by English teachers.
For the students, it’s very easy to speak in their native language or other languages which they can speak easily instead of the English language.
It’s very frustrating for the students trying to speak the language and think the words and sentences to speak which they didn’t know.
It’s very easy for them to communicate in their native language or the language they already have experience with.
This is the most common and big problem faced by English teachers in teaching the English language to students in which the English language is not their native language.