26 ธ.ค. 2023 เวลา 06:39 • การศึกษา

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Technology in Education

Advantages Of Technology In Education
There are so many advantages of using technology in education, some of the many great ways technology has affected the educational sector are as follows;
Improves The Engagement Of Students: When using the traditional methods of teaching that require only the use of paper and other writing materials, it’s easier for students to get bored when learning. Using new technological learning methods such as learning through games and using online e-learning techniques in teaching improves the overall engagement of students in the classroom.
Helps The Kids Remember More: Studies have shown that students can retain up to 50% of what they have learned when they are taught using visual technological methods of teaching such as virtual field trips. It is because they are actively participating in the learning process which is an important factor for memory retention.
Technology Encourages Students To Work Together: One of the greatest benefits of technology in education (EdTech) is that it has become a very useful tool in encouraging students who are not only in the same classroom or school but students anywhere in the world to be able to practice their collaboration skills by sharing learning materials and resources in online e-learning platforms across continents.
EdTech Gives The Kids Access To More Educational Resources: With access to the internet, students now have access to a wide range and variety of learning tools and educational materials that may not be readily available in their classrooms or schools.
EdTech Makes Learning More Interesting: Methods of teaching that include the implementation of games and point tracking systems in online e-learning competitions into the learning process draw the attention of students and help them actively participate in the learning process.
Provides The Opportunity To Learn In Different Ways: With so many intuitive learning tools and application software available, learning has become so much easier, there are now so many ways that they can learn so many things, they are no longer limited to just one method of learning.
Disadvantages Of Technology In Education
Just as there are so many benefits of technology in education, there are also some downsides. Here are some of the disadvantages of using technology in education that you might not even be aware of;
Technology Can Be Distracting: Even though there are so many ways of learning online there are also so many things that can distract students from learning. Having access to the internet without proper parental guidance or supervision can leave the students deviating from their learning materials.
Too Much Use Can Create A Dependence: With inventions like the calculator and other tools that make problem-solving easier and faster, students may now depend on these tools to solve even the simplest calculations instead of doing it themselves.
Technology Can Result in Medical Issues: Regular or continuous use of smartphones, computers, tablets, or even monitor screens especially without being monitored by adults can cause eye strain in kids and result in various eye problems in students such as early myopia.
EdTech Replaces The Job Of A Teacher: Due to the availability of so many learning resources and materials in both audio and video form such as online tutorials, it totally replaces the need to have a teacher present to learn. Nowadays students can learn from YouTube what they would normally learn in a classroom, exposing them to the disadvantage of not having full information.
Technology in Education Encourages Cheating: Because so many things can now be shared online on various e-learning platforms or even via emails, this creates loopholes for students to cheat by simply having access to a mobile phone where they can send answers to a test among each other especially if they are not being monitored by a teacher.
It Can Result In Privacy Issues: Many technological applications used in schools for storing student information require sharing personal or private information such as email addresses, phone numbers, or even personal student data that stand a risk of being hacked or manipulated at any time.
Technology has changed the face of education so much in the past few years, and for most of these benefits, we are grateful as it has made life in general much easier and schooling, much faster and much more interactive.
So many new advancements in the traditional teaching styles present so many benefits with its own downsides, take for example the advantages and disadvantages of smart boards in classrooms, it allows teachers the freedom of using multi-media in their teaching environment and even helps improve the student-teacher relationship but on the downside, it’s a little expensive and hard to maintain.
However, for the best use of technological resources in schools, teacher’s supervision, and tracking or use of parental controls on computing devices and all technological tools is necessary for things to run smoothly.