8 มี.ค. 2024 เวลา 09:09 • ข่าวรอบโลก

Globalization and borderless trade is being used to establish a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad warned HUMANITY about the GLOBALIST New World Order and their plans to KILL and MURDER the majority of the entire population to reach their goals:
“Globalization and borderless trade is being used to establish a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT :
They want us to abolish all states, all nations, all borders to have a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!! These people are the ELITE GLOBALISTS, the richest people in the world and they want to GOVERN us all!!”
“There isn’t much talk about democracy, they just want to RULE humanity and IMPOSE their OWN rules!! The people that are unwilling to SUBMIT to the #NWO will be PUNISHED!!!”
“The New World Order are also intending on reducing the number of people in this world - When the #NWO was first annunciated the world had 3 Billion people, they wanted to reduce it to 1 Billion? Now the population is 7 billion, so there will be a lot of culling through DEATH or STOPPING the reproduction of people”
If you haven’t noticed, the world is under attack by these elitist #NWO goons - Just because the media is HIDING how bad the destruction is, does NOT mean that it’s not happening!!!
Please, WAKE UP and FIGHT BACK!!!!!!
“The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing."
Australian senator, Malcolm Roberts, exposes the WEF's dystopian Great Reset agenda in the Australian parliament.
"Klaus Schwab's 'life by subscription' is really serfdom. It's slavery. Billionaire, globalist corporations will own everything—homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture—and everyday citizens will rent what they need, if their social credit score allows."