26 มี.ค. 2024 เวลา 09:23 • วิทยาศาสตร์ & เทคโนโลยี

Dark flow : Evidence of other universes

Dark flow is the mysterious motion.
It could be something massive lying, outside the edge of the visible universe, tugging clusters of galaxies with its gravity.
In 2008, Dr.Alexander Kashlinsky is an astronomer and cosmologist, working at NASA.
He and his collaborators,
discovered a phenomenon called “dark flow,”
The dark flow found evidence
a flow clusters of galaxies, toward between the Centaurus and Hydra constellations.
Later, a team of astronomers lead by Alexander Kashlinsky, found evidence of a flow of clusters, toward between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
"We can only say with certainty that somewhere very far away the world is very different from what we see locally. Whether it is another universe, or a different fabric of space-time we don't know." Kashlinsky said
It something exists beyond the edge of the observable universe.
The cosmos is a symmetry.
The cosmos create equal amounts of matter and antimatter.
There are
fundamental symmetries in cosmos.
1.The laws of nature equal to matter and antimatter.
2.The laws of physics generate symmetries.
3.The cosmos obeys CP symmetry.
The cube of cosmos.
All the laws of physics took birth in symmetries. Physics has identified, a set of fundamental symmetries in cosmos.
The symmetry of cosmos is a universe–antiuniverse pair.
1.The front left bottom corner is a matter univese,and
2.The front rigth bottom corner is an anti-universe.
3.The front left top corner is an anti-universe, and
4. The front right top coner is a matter universe.
This is electromagnetic wave, E×B=v or clockwise calls a matter universe and E×B=v anticlockwise calls an antimatter universe.
The cube of cosmos transform to a pair of matter universes and a pair of antimatter universes.
The Centaurus is located 11h5m-15h3m.
The Vela is located 9h22m.
The Hydra is located
Two green lines
between the Centaurus and Hydra constellations and between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
The antimatter universe attracts a matter universe or our universe.