I am really thankfull towards prof Achara Panurath and the orrganising team and would like to express our appreciation in the name of Devecser Brass Band and the University of Pécs that you have invited us to be part of the Thailand International Folklore Festival already the second time.
The reason is why we are here is to declare that we are truly against of war. If we look around, you can see that we are here several different kind of countries, with different kind of nationalites, traditions and believes. We wear different clothes speak different languages. But there is one connection between us, which is folklore. And for our luck folklore is versatile and we are playing music, we are dancing and singing. And we feel good together.
You may ask how could this be? Because we don't even know each other. Man fear all the things the they don't. But we are open minded, open towards each other and we accept that each of other are different.
The langguage of dance and music makes possible to connect. We should do anything to spread the idea of Thailandiff around the world, and involve as many nation as we can, because the more the people know each other, and accept each other (how we do here), the more we can avoid wars, and fightings against each other, and less victims we will suffer.
So let's play music, sing and dance, and feel good!
Thank you for giving the possibility to speak!
*Professor of The University of Pe'cs, HUNGARY(6th Nov.2023)