7 เม.ย. 2024 เวลา 22:43 • การศึกษา

factors need to be taken into account in developing ELT classroom

In English Language Teaching (ELT), educators encounter challenges that can significantly impact the learning experiences and outcomes. From societal attitudes to institutional policies, a comprehensive understanding of these factors is essential for devising effective teaching strategies and fostering an environment conducive to language acquisition. Here, we look into key factors affecting ELT classrooms, exploring their causes, effects, and implications for language learning.
Social, Cultural, and Religious Sensitivities
1.1 The Conservative and Religious Nature
Conservative and religious beliefs can be challenging for English Language Teaching teachers in many communities. Cultural and religious concerns might affect what teachers can use to teach, what they can talk about, and how they teach. Those could be a reason to make it harder for students to learn about different languages and cultures (Al-Seghayer, 2015).
1.2 Discouraging Societal Behavior Towards Education
Unfavorable societal views about education, especially among disadvantaged groups or people from poorer backgrounds, can harmfully impact involvement and interest in English Language Teaching classes. These views might result in decreased motivation, less encouragement from family or community, and societal expectations to focus on other activities instead of education (Al-Hazmi, 2014).